Thursday, June 5, 2008

Now You Don't

I tried it: using this blog as a log. A log of chemo symptoms. It looked productive before I got it onto the page. It could have been brilliant. Not anything like those other logs of chemo symptoms you can read in blogland. How not like them? My log would not sound like whining. It would not read as a self absorbed list of woes. Alright, not all of them are as tedious as they sound.
But mine was. Those of you who tuned in were treated to several paragraphs of tics, pains, insomnias, shudders, spasms and general clutching. It could have been literature. It could have been made into a movie (after my graceful--and inspiring--departure.)
But it wasn't and it won't be. I deleted it tonight. Goodbye log of horrors.
Tomorrow's my third week of the third cycle. How goes it? Everyone wants to know.
So go get your own chemo.

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